...he was to dispose of Voldemort’s remaining links to life, so that when at last he flung himself across Voldemort’s path, and did not raise a wand to defend himself, the end would be clean, and the job that ought to have been done in Godric’s Hollow would be finished: Neither would live, neither could survive.
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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Series: Harry Potter #7 Author: J.K. Rowling Published: 2007 |
I rate it 5/5 stars
“Is it love again?” said Voldemort, his snake’s face jeering. “Dumbledore’s favorite solution, love, which he claimed conquered death, though love did not stop him falling from the tower and breaking like an old waxwork? Love, which did not prevent me stamping out your Mudblood mother like a cockroach, Potter—and nobody seems to love you enough to run forward this time and take my curse. So what will stop you from dying now when I strike?”
Tahun ini Harry berumur 17 tahun. Ngerayain sweet seventeen bersama Ginny Weasley? Nggak. Di ulang tahunnya yang ke-17, Harry malah diserang sekawanan Deatheaters, dikejar-kejar Voldemort, menjadi objek yang dicari oleh sebagian besar penyihir yang ketakutan dan desperate. He’s the desirable number one. Anyone who catches him will be rewarded by Voldemort.
Harry sendiri bukannya tinggal diam duduk manis di rumah sambil makan puluhan cup Ben&Jerry’s dan berbungkus-bungkus chikiballs. Tahun ini dia memutuskan untuk tidak lagi bersekolah di Hogwarts, padahal ini tahun terakhirnya di sana. Bukan hanya dia sendiri, Ron dan Hermione juga memutuskan hengkang dari Hogwarts. Kenapa? They’ll try to find Horcruxes in order to ‘kill’ Voldemort.
Bekal yang mereka bawa? A fake locket. Deluminator. Buku dongeng anak-anak penyihir, The Tales of Beedle the Bard. Golden Snitch yang berhasil ditangkap Harry saat pertama kali menjadi Seeker Gryffindor. Harry’s invisibility cloak.
They have plan? Mereka sulit menentukan dimana harus memulai mencari the real locket. Mereka nggak tahu cara menghancurkan Horcruxes. Mereka jadi buronan. Mereka pisah dari keluarga. Mereka nggak tahu mau menginap dimana, every place is totally dangerous, even Hogwarts and Gringgots, the safest places there. Mereka kekurangan makan. Mereka juga terkadang berselisih satu sama lain. Oh, dan nantinya mereka juga bakal mencari tahu tentang The Deathly Hallows.
Are they mental?
Nggak. Mereka nggak gila karena nggak tahu tujuan begitu. Tapi buku ini yang bener-bener gila! Lupakan omonganku yang bawa-bawa nama chikiballs tadi. Now I wanna ask you all. Wanna know my expression when I read some scenes in this book although I’ve known it would happen and although I’ve read or watched it again and again and again? This was exactly what I did..
Everyone’s dying! Gimana aku nggak dying juga? Dan yang dying itu bukan hanya mereka yang ‘baik-baik’. Meskipun Voldemort, Deatheaters, and everyone who took place in Ministry berada di puncak kejayaan, yah setidaknya itulah yang mereka pikirkan, tapi mereka juga sekarat. Otomatis pembaca juga ikuta kebawa arus. Ikutan desperate. Ikutan sakit hati. Apalagi.. satu per satu tokoh yang kita cintai mulai berguguran di sini. :(
However, reading this sad-beautiful-and-tragic Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows made me wanna look back. I mean, from the first time Harry Potter gave its magic to us. The first time we enjoyed Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. Have you realized that we watched them grow? We watched them from nobody become somebody that I used to know uwoooh.
Look at this hot creature! Sorry Neville, but yes, puberty made you hot. -_-
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cowok ini |
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jadi begini. *.* |
Abaikan yang barusan, please..
Like what I’ve said, we watched them grow. Kita bisa hapal kebiasaan Harry yang selalu ngotot “gue bisa lakuin ini sendiri” atau “gue nggak mau lo-lo pada kenapa-napa” atau “gue nggak mau kalian pada ngorbanin hidup lo buat gue”. Kita bisa merhatiin bahwa Ron yang sekarang dan dulu itu sama aja (setia kawan, seenak udel, suka ngambil hati perkataan orang, minder, dan yang jelas he is Harry’s best friend ever), kecuali untuk perasaannya ke Hermione. Kita juga akan tahu kalau Hermione masih sama brilian dan kekutuanbukunya dari dulu hingga kini.. dan nanti (di sini Hermione mulai ngomong Merlin's Underwear/Pants lho huahaha). Kita akan tahu kalau seorang Dumbledore bukanlah sosok yang sepenuhnya sempurna. Kita bisa lihat perkembangan Voldemort dari nggak punya hidung sampai jadi tunahidung. Kita bisa lihat perubahan Neville yang penakut menjadi seorang Neville yang pemberani. Kita akan tahu kalau Draco dari dulu memang penakut, but he’s the boy who have no choice, guys! Dan aku bersyukur Draco masih punya kebaikan di hatinya. Kita juga bisa memperhatikan dan menghayati lagi sikap Snape dari buku pertama hingga buku terakhir.. and the last book will make you realize that he’s the real hero in this book!
You remember Dudley? Dia juga udah grew up! Bukan badannya yang gendut itu yang tambah besar, tapi hatinya yang tambah besar. Pas baru buka dan baca buku ini aku memang langsung merinding karena Voldy melakukan aksi Avada Kadavranya. Tapi kemudian suasana melunak dan unexpectedly mengharukan pas Dursleys mengucapkan salam perpisahan ke Harry. I don't think you’re waste of space, I’ll remember that word and your expression when you said it, Big D. :’)
Dan selama membaca buku ini, berjuta emosi aku rasakan. #eaaa Aku bisa merasakan gimana kesalnya Harry karena nggak pernah tahu seluk beluk kehidupan Dumbledore yang selama ini dia percayai. Aku juga bisa ikut merasakan rasa kangen dan khawatir Ron terhadap keadaan keluarganya. Juga Hermione, I know that she pretends she’s okay leaving her family in ‘obliviate condition’. Aku juga bisa merasakan kegundahan mereka bertiga karena nggak kunjung tahu dimana mencari Horcruxes, bentuknya aja wallahuallam deh mereka nggak tahu menahu.
Aku juga bisa merasakan ke-desperate-an Malfoys. I knew they’re in Voldemort’s side, tapi tetap aja aku merasa kasihan banget sama mereka. Apalagi punya keluarga yang haus darah itu, Bellatrix Lestrange. Nggak bisa juga nggak merasa kasihan sama penyihir yang dilahirkan Muggle. Diskriminasi, you said it. Pemerintahan yang semena-mena karena adanya tekanan, nangkring juga di sini.
Twist. Jangan ditanya, Rowling udah ngerangkap hal sederhana yang tampak luar biasa di sini, yang buat pembaca berkaca-kaca. Apalagi kalau bukan twist about love in the end of the book?! Twist about the connection between Harry and Voldemort. Dua-duanya merupakan kejutan. Err.. aku rasa bukan dua itu aja ya yang jadi kejutan. Too much surprise in this book, anyway.
Oh, well.. I also want to share my some dramatic scenes here.
Tragic when I read this (if you know and understand what I mean):
“When I get married,” said Fred, tugging at the collar of his own robes, “I won’t be bothering with any of this nonsense. You can all wear what you like, and I’ll put a full Body Bind Curse on Mum until it’s all over.”
Terharu juga when I read this (ooh, Dobby!):
“I want to do it properly,” were the first words of which Harry was fully conscious of speaking. “Not by magic.”
And proud because I’m a big fan of Molly Weasley (yes, you know this scene):
“NOT MY DAUGHTER, YOU BITCH!”Mrs. Weasley threw off her cloak as she ran, freeing her arms. Bellatrix spun on the spot, roaring with laughter at the sight of her new challenger.
Memang.. ada rasa kehilangan karena buku ini adalah seri terakhir Harry Potter. Dan ada pula rasa kehilangan lain.. yeah, that feeling you get when all your favorite characters died. But, remember what Dumbledore said to us?
“Do not pity the dead, Harry. Pity the living, and above all, those who live without love. By returning, you may ensure that fewer souls are maimed, fewer families are torn apart. If that seems to you a worthy goal, then we say good-bye for the present.” –Dumbledore
Yes, we may lose people we love (karakter di dalam buku atau orang yang bener-bener ada dalam hidup kita). But they’re still here.. in our heart. Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Ginny Weasley, Severus Snape, Albus Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall, Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, all Weasleys (especially the twins), Dobby, Kreacher, Draco Malfoy, and even Voldemort will always live in our heart and mind although the story ends here. Yes, I will never forget Quidditch and The Sorting Hat, too. What about Kings’ Cross? Of course I’ll remember it, too. It’s the beginning of this magic! :)
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by the way, J.K. Rowling and Harry, happy birthday! today is you two's birthday, right? :) |
Long review, I know. It doesn’t matter if you don’t wanna read that. I don’t insist you to read this emotional review, but please do read Harry Potter! Because it’s an everlasting beautiful book.
“Sometimes you’ve got to think about more than your own safety! Sometimes you’ve got to think about the greater good!” –Harry
“It is a curious thing, Harry, but perhaps those who are best suited to power are those who have never sought it.” –Dumbledore
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:') |
NB: for Hotter Potter and What's in a Name Challenge 2013
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