Friday, 29 April 2016

[REVIEW] James and the Giant Peach #PosBarApril #BBIChildrenBooks

"... Whoever they meet first, be it bug, insect, animal, or tree, that will be the one who gets the full power of their magic! So hold the bag tight! Don't tear the paper! Off you go! Hurry up! Don't wait! Now's the time! Hurry!"

Judul: James and the Giant Peach
Penulis: Roald Dahl
Ilustrasi: Quentin Blake
Penerbit: Penguin Group US
Tahun Terbit: 2007 (first published 1961)
Halaman: 116
ISBN: 978-0-14-192987-3
I rate it 4/5 stars

Tadinya, bocah bernama James Henry Trotter hidup bahagia. Sampai suatu hari orangtuanya dimakan oleh badak yang melarikan diri dari kebun binatang saat mereka sedang jalan-jalan di London.

Hidup James pun langsung berubah 180 derajat. Ia tinggal bersama dua bibinya yang kejam, Bibi Sponge yang gempal dan Bibi Spiker yang kurus ceking, jauh di atas bukit. Di sana, ia tak lagi bisa bermain dengan anak-anak seusianya. Di sana, ia mengerjakan berbagai pekerjaan yang seharusnya tak dikerjakan oleh anak sekecil itu. James selalu diperlakukan seperti budak oleh kedua bibinya yang jahat.

Hingga kemudian datanglah seorang tua entah darimana, menghampiri James yang baru saja jadi sasaran bibinya, menangis di balik semak. Orang tua itu memberikan James sekantong batuan kecil hijau berkilauan seperti kristal, batuan yang hidup. Itu bukanlah benda kecil biasa, melainkan benda kecil ajaib yang akan mengubah hidup James.

Tuesday, 26 April 2016

[Top Ten Tuesday] Bookworm Delights

a weekly meme by The Broke and the Bookish
(I forgot that it's no longer ".com" but "", sorry >.<)

This Tuesday's topic is pretty interesting for me: it's time for telling the world the happiest time between me and my beloved one books!

I usually read in perfect silence, no music, not even my sisters brother babbling about things—well, I have to spare times for mommy daddy talks tho, unless my books will be their victims. :" But the sound of the rain is an exception. Whenever I read, and the day was so gloomy it was about to rain, my heart began to sink into happiness as I was ready to welcome the rain with book and hot milk tea.

Even if I'm not a good photographer, I always found photographing session with books is entertaining! Believe me I can spend hours taking photos then staring and editing the result of the photos although most of the photos won't be uploaded.

No bookworms are able to resist the smell of book, whether it's new or old, they have their own lovely smells. That moment when you enter the bookstore.. and that moment when you open your bookshelves.. oh I love the smell of book more than my perfume! Perfume makes me sneeze. .-.

Friday, 22 April 2016

[REVIEW] Dil3ma

"Saat yang tepat untuk...? Untuk mutusin gimana perasaan lo sebenarnya? Memangnya sekarang bukan saat yang tepat? Kalau gitu kapan dong? Apa kriteria hari yang tepat? Perlu pertimbangan apa lagi? Nggak tahu, kan? Sama, gue juga, Na. Gue juga lagi menunggu saat yang tepat." (hal. 178)

Judul: Dil3ma
Penulis: Mia Arsjad
Penerbit: Gramedia
Tahun Terbit: 2009
Halaman: 336
ISBN: 978-979-22-5017-6
I rate it 3/5 stars

BROKEN LADIES merupakan chat-room yang telah mempertemukan tiga cewek di buku ini. Awalnya sih mereka bertiga cuman ngobrol karena sama-sama merasa bermasalah sama cowok. Tapi kemudian mereka jadi sahabat dekat, yang sampai sekarang masih saja dilema tentang persoalan yang sama.

Lura, cewek cantik blasteran yang bekerja sebagai pramugari. Penyakit: punya dendam kesumat sama cowok tukang selingkuh. Penyebab: ibunya ditinggal ayahnya yang brengsek. Lura bersumpah bakal membasmi semua cowok yang bangga banget bisa selingkuhin pacarnya. Dan gara-gara sejarah kelam ibunya itu, Lura susah mau percaya sama cowok, meski dalam hati dia sayang banget sama Robi, cowok yang benar-benar tulus mencintai Lura.

Nania, cewek penggemar rally yang bertampang pas-pasan, anak konglomerat, pemegang salah satu perusahaan majalah ternama. Penyakit: nggak pernah bisa bilang putus ke pacarnya, Reva, yang selaluuu aja minta bayarin ini itu dan ngehina fisik Nania yang pas-pasan. Kenapa nggak bisa bilang putus kalau tingkahnya begitu? Nania takut menjomblo seumur hidup!

Mala, cewek cantik berambut indah (di deskripsinya gitu, entah indah yang gimana, mungkin kayak di iklan sunsilk .-.) yang bekerja sebagai sekretaris. Penyakit: terlanjur cinta sama bosnya, Mas Sis, yang sudah berkeluarga. Mau berenti? Lah, gimana mau berenti kalau udah cinta sampe ke ulu hati, mana si bos janji mau cerai lalu nikahin Mala pula! Janjimu itu, Maz.. (mana janji manizmuuuu~ mencintaikuuu sampai matiii~) :')))

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

[Top Ten Tuesday] Books That Will Make You Laugh or At Least Chuckle

a weekly meme by The Broke and the Bookish
(i know this pict doesn't have any relation with book. sorry not sorry, i love them. :p)

The topic for this Tuesday is "books that will make you laugh". The definition of funny is different for people, so I'm not really sure if these books will make you laugh as hard as I did. And since most of the books are in Bahasa, instead of using English I'll use Bahasa in this Top Ten Tuesday.

Monday, 18 April 2016

[REVIEW] My True Love Gave to Me: Twelve Holiday Stories

I am worried about being in love, because it involves asking so much. —David Levithan, Your Temporary Santa

Title: My True Love Gave to Me: Twelve Holiday Stories
Author: Varies
Edited by: Stephanie Perkins
Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin
Publishing Year: 2014
Number of Pages: 336
ISBN: 978-146-6863-89-7
I rate it 3.5/5 stars

One thing I love about short story written by various authors is that I can meet so many authors without having a long time reading their two-hundred-pages-or-so books. (Yes, I am that lazy, sorry~) x) But it is not really a reference point whether I would read their other books later. It is not fair, because who knows the authors were not in their writing-state whenever they wrote that story, right?

I have met several authors in this book, say Ally Carter with her Gallagher Girls series, Gayle Forman with her If I Stay series, Jenny Han with her To All the Boys I've Loved Before (which I love so much!), David Levithan with his Every Day, Stephanie Perkins with her Anna and the French Kiss, Rainbow Rowell with her Eleanor & Park, and Kiersten White with her The Chaos of Stars (this one I've just read last month and I loved it too!), though I didn't review all of them here. :p I love their previous books, and that's one of the reason I expected so much when they contributed in this short story.

But the thing about expect-something-too-much is often left us with disappointment. x) This happened to me when I read David Levithan's in this book with his Your Temporary Santa. I still love the way he wrote the stories here, but the problem is I didn't get the chemistry between the narrator and Connor. Probably because they were gay and I am honestly new in this genre. :"

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Happy 5th Birthday, BBI!


Halo, Bebiku tersayang.. :*
Akhirnya dikau berumur lima tahun! Ciyeee.. yang bentar lagi masuk TK. (???) xD

First, I'm so sorry for not joining your big party (padahal seru bangeeet). ;_; Maafkan aku, Bebi, aku pengin banget ikutan tapi apa daya takdir tidak mengizinkanku menghadiri pestamu. Dua hari kemarin aku sibuk bolak-balik wc, perut beneran lagi nggak enak banget (entah akibat salah makan atau kebanyakan makan di kondangan), gimana mau konsentrasi buat postingan. :'(

Tapi tenang saja, Bebi, aku nggak lupa mendoakanmu kok. ;)

Aku bahagia melihat Bebi sekarang udah gede dan punya lebih banyak temen, dari bermacam-macam provinsi pula! Bebi tambah gaul ih! ^^ Semoga di tahun-tahun mendatang, Bebi punya lebih banyak temen lagi ya biar ngobrolin bukunya lebih double asyik dan ramenya. Oh ya, Bebi, jangan ngambek gitu dong kalau aku nggak dateng ke pestamu yang super duper asyik dan kreatif ini. Lain kali kalo Bebi ngadain acara asyik lagi, aku usahain buat ikutan deh. Cup cup Bebi, sini kupeluk secara virtual dulu. {}

Last, have a nice party, Bebi!

With love,
Linda :*

ps: banner-nya kupake nggak apa-apa kan ya meski aku nggak ikut party? :')
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