Monday 16 January 2012

Promosi Majalah + Curhat

Last night, I went to Gramedia with family—and actually I wanna go there with my sister only so then I can be there in a long period of time. And I swear I'd take so much time if I could go there with her tonight or just by myself!—in order to buy a map for my hell paper and buy some practice book for Ela. She's gonna be busy this half year. She's gonna pass the National Examination and not long after that she's not a Junior High School's student anymore.

I'm kinda crazy if I already stand up there in book store. Don't you know I'm a bookworm? And unfortunately, as a bookworm I don't have much money to buy all of the books there. I always sick in wallet since I don't have job yet. Anybody wants to gimme money?

Forget about that for a moment!

Well.. I just wanna inform you that I bought a magazine that I've never had before. TIC Magazine.

tampak depan 

tampak belakang

Yeah. It took a short time in book store, but thanks God I still had time to buy a magazine without my parents' knowing.

This magazine is actually a must have item in the last day of 2011 for them who call themselves "ELF". I'm not a fanatic of SuJu, I just adore SuJu and I don't call myself ELF, so I just can afford to buy this item in the first month of 2012. Hehehe.

It talks about A Short Journey of SuJu from zero to hero. Although you ELF already know all the things about awesome SuJu, I recommend you to buy this. It's a little bit nice to be your collection. And it has affordable price, just Rp19000 for you in Java, Rp20000 for Sumatera and Kalimantan, Rp21000 for Sulawesi and East Indonesia, and Rp24000 for you in Papua. :)

* * *
Aku tadi sudah bilang kalau aku gila banget berurusan sama buku-buku bagus tapi nggak punya banyak uang untuk beli semua buku yang ada di daftar belanja. Dan sekarang aku menggunakan bahasa Indonesia karena English itu bukan aku banget dan aku nggak mau di cap sombong gara-gara pake English di sepanjang entri. Padahal English-nya morat-marit alias berantakan dan perlu dikasih bracket biar rapi. Tapi, karena harga bracket sekarang udah murah dan cuma buat gaya-gayaan doang, urung deh. Yasudah, English-ku masih tetap berantakan. Kasihan.

Udah dulu ngomongin English. Karena aku merasa English dan bracket nggak punya hubungan darah sama sekali.

Jadi gini, sebagai seorang kutu buku yang nggak punya kutu dan pakai kacamata minus 3, aku berencana untuk mengumpulkan uang lagi. Tentu saja untuk beli at least 5 novels yang baru terbit. Dan semoga lagi ada diskon.

Desember kemarin udah ngumpulin uang sebanyak 100ribu, tapi nggak jadi beli novel karena kalap beli dvd bajakan #eh. Yah jadi beginilah pemirsa, emang kalau remaja ababil banyak maunya. Apalagi kalau gila buku dan gila film. Bisa tekor setiap habis gajian dan harus rela irit setiap bulan. Eh, memangnya aku masih remaja? Ingat umur, ingat tampang, lin. -,-

Okay, jadi sudah diputuskan. Dalam jangka waktu 2 bulan (periode Januari-Februari) harus beli at least 5 novels. Cemunguuud Linda! Pray for me, guys. 

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