Thursday, 31 March 2016

[REVIEW] Jane Eyre #PosBarMaret #BBILagiBaca

Ah.. finally ikutan posbar BBI juga setelah lama bolos. Bulan ini posbarnya bertemakan #BBILagiBaca, tema yang agak beda dibanding tema yang sebelumnya karena di sini, mulai 14 Maret, kita harus men-tweet tentang satu buku yang kita baca di bulan Maret. Well.. I picked Jane Eyre mumpung lagi kerasukan setan klasik. (?)

Aku sudah me-review sekilas tentang Jane Eyre di Twitter, berikut beberapa screenshots-nya. Silahkan di-klik untuk memperbesar gambar.

link twitter here.

Maafkan tweet-ku yang kurang menarik, soalnya aku paling bingung kalo disuruh nge-tweet tentang buku atau film, space-nya terbatas bangeeet! Rasanya kurang greget kalo harus disambung ke tweet berikutnya. Yang baca tweet (kalau pun ada) juga jadi kurang puas dan kemungkinan besar bakal merasa review yang kuberikan di tweet kurang ngena (yang emang kurang ngena banget).

Anyway, setelah beberapa hari ikutan posbar, aku kebetulan ngobrol sama Teh Peni, ya ngobrolin soal posbar ini sih. Dari obrolan itu aku baru tahu kalau sehari cuman boleh nge-tweet maksimal 5 kali tentang buku itu. Aku langsung..... errrr.. xD Itu pas tanggal 14 aku langsung ngoceh kayak tronton entah sampe berapa tweet. Maafkan akuuuuh~ hahahah.

Baiklah, move-on dari Twitter, saatnya kutulis review Jane Eyre versi lengkap.

Selamat menikmati.. ^^
(berasa kayak ucapan yang biasa ditulis di nasi kotak) -_-


Friday, 25 March 2016

[REVIEW] The Chaos of Stars

My parents brought me into the world to die. They didn't love me enough to keep me forever—they didn't even pretend like they did. My entire childhood of warmth and love was drawing in the sand—impermanent and fragile and gone in the breath of wind. 
Just like me.

Title: The Chaos of Stars
Author: Kiersten White
Publisher: HarperTeen
Publishing Year: 2013
Number of Pages: 304
ISBN: 978-006-2135-88-9
I rate it 4/5 stars

Isadora was a daughter of Isis—Goddess of Motherhood, Magic, and Fertility— and Osiris—God of the Underworld and Afterlife—, but she was no goddess like her mother other than a normal teenage girl who trapped in Egypt inside her family's temple, as she has always been. Knowing that she was mortal unlike her parents, she started to think that she was born just to worship her parents so that they remained in their immortality. And the thought of that made her hate her parents to the point she wanted to runaway from them forever.

Her wish suddenly became so possible when her mother who always took bad dream as a reminder, decided to send Isadora away from Egypt. For the good of Isadora, she said. Isadora then lived with her brother, Sirus, in San Diego, where she thought things would turn out just right as she expected them to be.

But Isadora's wrong. Not only because Sirus turned out to be silently married and that his wife was pregnant, but also the job thing in the museum her mother told her to do through Sirus couldn't do her sickness for ancient mythology thing she tried to escape. Her expected free-life-from-her mother's-hand was faraway from her grips. Things couldn't get more complicated when suddenly an intruder tried to stole something that connected to her family. And that her fear of falling in love into a guy named Ry with his crystal blue eyes added the stress of her new life in San Diego.

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