Saturday, 31 January 2015

Opini Januari: "Ekspektasi"

Sebenernya aku udah ada niat ikutan posbar opini, tapi tadi pagi apa daya aku malas, padahal malamnya udah semangat banget! Aku mikirnya kalau lagi nggak mood, rasanya yang ditulis malah hilang arah dan ujung-ujung malah nggak ada artinya. Jadi yoweslah, aku lewatkan saja posbar ini. Tapi sore ini, semangat nulis kembali! (Lihat kan, postingan ini pun akhirnya tercipta juga! *nyengir*) Ini semua karena laptop yang tadinya bolak-balik BSOD mendadak jadi sehat wal'afiat! Bener-bener keajaiban! *CIYUM LAPTOP* *BAHAGIA*

Mungkin ada yang belum tahu, jadi sini deh aku kasih tahu. Opini bareng ini merupakan salah satu pernak-pernik BBI di tahun 2015. Kalau tahun-tahun sebelumnya cuman ada event baca bareng tema tertentu di tiap bulan, tahun ini ditambah dengan opini bareng, yang bisa diposting kapan aja asalkan masih dalam bulan yang ditentukan. Tema opini bareng kali ini adalah "Ekspektasi".

Seringkali sebelum membaca buku, kita berekspektasi "oh, buku ini bakalan bagus nih kayaknya!" atau malah "aku ragu deh bakal suka sama buku ini". Terkadang ekspektasi bakalan suka, realitanya malah kita nggak suka sama buku itu. Tapi nggak jarang juga ekspektasi berbanding lurus sama realita. Kadang juga awalnya kita nganggap buku itu bakal biasa-biasa aja, tahunya suka, malah jadi favorit!

Monday, 26 January 2015

2015 TBR Jar Challenge

TBR Jar by NYC BookWorm
In one of my last year's post, I ever said I'd use new method that I've never used before to beat the piles of book in 2015: choosing book-to-read by picking title randomly from a jar. Actually, I intended to do the challenge by myself because I don't think I can be a good host of a challenge. :v But, it turns out to be different now! I found a host of reading challenge that bring the same idea, TBR Jar Challenge. Without thinking twice, I signed up for this challenge this year! ^^

Here is the challenge guidelines that I've copied from the host page:
1) The challenge will run from January 1st, 2015 – December 31st, 2015. The sign-up link will remain open all year round. Feel free to sign-up whenever you wish, just as soon as you find yourself getting overwhelmed with picking your next book, perhaps this process will help.
2) Anyone can enter! You don’t have to be a blogger or even review the book you’ve read!
  • IF you are a blogger, there will be a form going up on January 5th which you can use to keep track of the books you pull out of the jar and link according to the review (examples will be available as well).
  • IF you are not a blogger, simply snap a quick photo of the book (either name or image of book cover as directed above) and share it on any social networking site you may be a member of (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.) but be sure to label it with #TBRJarChallenge!
3) Any genre, length, or format of book counts. Doesn’t matter when it was published either. E-books, short stories, novellas, or ARC’s are also allowed. There are many ways to do this, but here are two most common (and easiest):
  • Write (or type and print) out the title & author of each book on your TBR Jar list.
  • Fill out each slip of paper with various genre’s, places, formats, etc of a book you can think of (and know you have a copy of). Here are some examples: Book 400+ pages long, Written in the 20th Century, Takes place in a different country, Male main character, Non-fiction book, Debut Author, Science-Fiction novel, What the Dickens!, etc! Over at POPSUGAR there’s a great list to choose from as well!
4) Lastly, you don’t have to follow her to join the challenge, but it’s helpful if you need inspiration or to see whether or not it really works. And you do have to at least sign-up with your name and link of either your dedicated blog post or social network address.

Sounds easy and fun, right? Well, you can read or ask more about this challenge on the host page here. ^^

I've made list of book title that I want to read this year but I still haven't found the jar to make it really looks like a tbr-jar-challenge. So instead of picking the folded small paper from a jar, I shake those 20 folded small paper with my hands and wait until one of the paper out. Sorry for this weirdness, I hope it's not out of the rules? :p

Well yeah, mine is just 20 folded small paper. It's a quite small number, but I promise to add titles in the list if I've read almost all of those title and it still takes too long to go to 2016. Wish me luck with this challenge! Happy reading and beating the number of book piles, everyone! ^^

Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Wishful Wednesday #45

a weekly meme by Books to Share

Udah berapa abad aku nggak ikutan Wishful Wednesday? Kangen beraaaaaaaaat! *lalu pelukin gentong wishlist* x) Hai, Mbak Astrid.. hai, teman-teman Wishful Wednesday sejati, aku kembali dengan sejuta wishlist! Ada yang mau ngabulin? *lalu linda ditendang* :(

Nggak, saking udah lamanya nggak ikutan Wishful Wednesday, aku nggak akan nempelin bejibun buku di sini kok, gaeees. Hanya satu buku. Satu buku cantik yang apa daya kemahalan hingga mencekik kesejahteraan dompet yang isinya belum pernah melebihi keinginan sang pemilik dompet. #apeu

Okelah.. tanpa basa-basi yang lebih panjang lagi (kasihan juga sama yang lagi baca postingan ini), inilah buku yang kuinginkan di awal 2015:

We Were Liars by E. Lockhart
BookDepository | Periplus
A beautiful and distinguished family.
A private island.
A brilliant, damaged girl; a passionate, political boy.
A group of four friends—the Liars—whose friendship turns destructive.
A revolution. An accident. A secret.
Lies upon lies.
True love.
The truth.
We Were Liars is a modern, sophisticated suspense novel from National Book Award finalist and Printz Award honoree E. Lockhart. 
Read it.
And if anyone asks you how it ends, just LIE.

Salah satu Goodreads Choice 2014 Winner. Kata temen-temen endingnya 'ngagetin'. Ending statement di akhir sinopsis juga agak pengen di-hah?-in gitu. Sayangnya harga di Periplus diatas seratuslimapuluh ribu. Berharap buku ini bakal dimasukin ke bargain-books-di-bawah-limapuluhribu sama aja kayak ngarep pas SMP jadi juara umum tiap semester. Bookdepo agak murah dari Periplus tapi apa daya ndak punya kartu-ajaib.. (Udah curcolnya, Lin?) :')

Adakah yang punya hati overdosis-kebaikan sampai-sampai rela ngasih buku ini ke aku? Atau adakah yang mau ngasih voucher gratis? Ngahahahaha. xD (Linda tiba-tiba dateng ke WW langsung pamerin mental gratisan. Sedih banget sih..)

Yang mau ikutan Wishful Wednesday sambil pasang papan reklame "tolong kabulkan wishlist-ku" gede-gede di deket gentong wishlist, rules-nya mudah kok! Nih:
  1. Silakan follow blog Books To Share – atau tambahkan di blogroll/link blogmu =)
  2. Buat posting mengenai buku-buku (boleh lebih dari 1) atau segala hal yang berhubungan dengan kebutuhan bookish kalian, yang jadi inceran kalian minggu ini, mulai dari yang bakal segera dibeli, sampai yang paling mustahil dan hanya sebatas mimpi. Oya, sertakan juga alasan kenapa buku/benda itu masuk dalam wishlist kalian ya!
  3. Tinggalkan link postingan Wishful Wednesday kalian di Mr. Linky (klik saja tombol Mr. Linky di bagian bawah post Wishful Wednesday Mbak Astrid). Kalau mau, silakan tambahkan button Wishful Wednesday di posting kalian.
  4. Mari saling berkunjung ke sesama blogger yang sudah ikut share wishlistnya di hari Rabu =)

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

[Top Ten Tuesday] Most Anticipated 2015 Debuts

New year, new authors, new debuts! ^^

What I do mostly in Goodreads are stalking the listopia: to search for new books or sometimes new authors or just browsing without knowing what I really do. When new year comes, I usually browse about new released books, mostly YA or contemporary. But since this Tuesday's topic is about 2015 debuts, I browsed about new author's debuts and caught some beauties.

Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish
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