
Wednesday 12 February 2020

Book Club: Intro & February Pick

Remember last time when I said that I need reading pals?

Considering that me and two my best bookish friends lost track of our reading habits for some times, we decided to form a private book club consists of us three. We know that if we continue living with no fiction in our minds, we might as well be empty and dry for the rest of our oh-so-normal days.... *oke, ini lebay parah, ya nggak gitu juga kali, Lin!* :') Eh, tapi ini beneran lho, rasanya kayak ada yang hilang aja gitu kalo lama nggak baca buku, istilah normalnya aku kurang bisa jelasin gimana, tapi kalo istilah sok kerennya ya empty and dry itu tadi. :v