
Tuesday 27 February 2018

Books I Could re-Read Over and Over Again!

a weekly meme by That Artsy Reader Girl

In my dictionary, favorite books is just different from books that I could re-read forever. Books that I could re-read is definitely my favorite, but my favorites doesn't mean I could re-read them again (this is usually because the book is way too thick or the story's way too complicated so I decided not to re-read them because, well.. I still have so much piles of unread books I REALLY wanna read and that's already making me confused which one of those dearest should I read first to start decreasing the piles~). So, it doesn't really take too much time to choose which books I already re-read for how-many-times-I-didn't-even-counting and which books I would like to re-read..

Here's the list!

Tuesday 6 February 2018

Books That Have Been on My TBR the Longest and I Still Haven't Read

a weekly meme by That Artsy Reader Girl

I'm definitely an expert in stacking so much books on my little library, and by stacking means... haven't read them all for.. uuuh, years. I don't remember exactly how long because I'm not the type to write every birth-date (the day those books came to me and be my children) of my books. So yeah.. in order to list this week Top Ten Tuesday, I'm going to try (really hard) to remember which books that have been breathing dust for too long on my little library, but also with the help of my Goodreads to-read bookshelf.

Here's the list!